There is no doubt that Amazon sellers need to know that registering their accounts, listing their products, and selling products on Amazon are all essential tasks. Marketing your product has a key role while selling products on Amazon. So quickly adapt Amazon Marketing Services now!

Amazon sellers need to know that every click doesn’t equal a purchase, so it is important to understand how to utilize Amazon Marketing Services to get its full benefit.

What Is Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)? 

AMS or Amazon marketing services is a self-service platform that Amazon offers sellers in order to promote their products directly to their target market.

 Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) is Amazon’s pay-per-click (PPC) platform where sellers can get their products in front of relevant visitors based on keywords, products, and customer interests. 

Types Of Amazon Marketing Services: 

Amazon Marketing Services allows sellers to market products with these three types:


 Sponsored Products give sellers control over product merchandising on Amazon. You can increase your product visibility when visitors search for particular keywords you bid on with targeted advertisements.

Sponsored Product advertisements run on daily budgets. The minimum daily budget for sponsored product ads is $1. You will be charged when the customer clicks your advertisement.

Requirements For Amazon Sponsored Products:
  • Amazon professional seller account
  • Ability to ship to all U.S. addresses.
  • Product listings in one or more of the available categories. Products must be new. Used products are not eligible for Sponsored Products.
  • Listings that are eligible for the Buy Box. If you create an ad for a product listing that is not eligible for the Buy Box, your ad will not display to Amazon shoppers.

To list products in any of the categories, you need to do ungating on amazon. Amazon restricted certain categories while selling products on amazon.

Don’t worry getting ungated is easy. The Funnel Guru will get you ungated from any of the restricted categories on amazon within 24 hours.

Reach The Funnel Guru and start selling products on amazon. The Funnel Guru gives 100% guaranteed approval and a 110% money-back guarantee.

Targeting Option For Amazon Sponsored Products:

You have to take certain decisions for targeting Amazon Sponsored Products: 

Automatic Targeting:

If you select Automatic targeting, Amazon uses default strategies to match your ads to a shopper’s search.

The Amazon algorithm serves ads for products based on relevant content and conversion data.

Manual Targeting:

If you use Manual targeting, you are responsible for selecting optimal keywords. In manual targeting, you design your own targeting strategy.


Headline Search Ads are keyword-driven and can appear across the top of the SERP. It helps you to drive traffic from the search results page to a page that shows a specific product or product range.

With Headline Search you can select a destination for people while clicking on your ad.

You have three options:

  1. ‘Create a Page” option which helps you to promote up to three ASINs and then direct shoppers to a landing page.
  2. Your “Amazon Page” option only makes you add a single ASIN.
  3. Custom URL.

After choosing the options, you can name your campaign, set a budget (minimum $100), and set a duration.

After that, you can add your targeted keywords and decide on your bids for the auction.


Product display ads help to increase the visibility of your product towards the final stage of shoppers conversion, which helps to get aware and divert customers from purchasing your competitor’s product and instead buy yours which is selling on amazon.

There are two targeting methods for product display ads: Product and Interest.

Product targeting makes you select which pages your ad needs to be displayed on. You can select ASINs and related products where your ad needs to appear.

Interest targeting lets you select specific shopper interests (categories) where your ad needs to be displayed.

Next, you can choose your “campaign settings”. You can name your campaign, set a CPC bid, set a budget, and set the duration. 

Final Thoughts: 

You have now got a brief overview and understanding of Amazon Marketing Services.

Amazon Marketing Services enables you to avail yourself two main strategies: Increase your sales or raise brand awareness.

Use this unique opportunity to optimize your advertising campaigns on a regular basis and increase your sales while selling products on amazon.

Wanna get your products ungated in a very short span? Then reach out to The Funnel Guru. Follow our blogs and stay updated.

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