While selling products on Amazon, the customers leave product reviews based on the performance and quality of the product. They also mention areas to be improved in the products.

Those reviews may be both positive and negative. Have you ever wondered how reviews could affect your sales?

Are you aware of the fact that people’s buying decisions can be altered by product reviews?

In that case, negative reviews may turn into a big obstacle to your product growth. In this blog, let me explain to you how the negative reviews for the products will reflect on your Amazon business.

And, pause for a moment! I’ve given a solution to deal with this problem which gives 100% positive results. Are you excited to know what it is? Then, read more.


First of all, do you know that reviews are ranked on amazon?

Have you ever seen the Amazon helpful votes button below every review? Are you aware of its role?

I’ll tell you. Amazon helpful votes are displayed below every review so that the customers can click it and vote on a review if it is relatable to them.

The most voted review takes up the top position of the reviews column. Amazon votes for a positive review can build the brand awareness of your product.

 I’ll tell you a secret. This can be actually influenced. If you wish, you can bring a review to the top on the first page. Do you want to know how it is possible?

It can be done with two tricks. One is a natural way, and another one is buying Amazon helpful votes from trusted services.

By the end of this blog, I’ll suggest to you a trusted service that has been doing this service for a couple of years.


  • Loss of revenue:

Hard to accept! But most of the customers go through the reviews of a product before intending to buy it.

In that case, if the negative reviews are displayed on the first page, then it will create a negative impression on people’s minds.\

This will subsequently result in decreased sales and loss of revenue. So negative reviews are a serious problem that should be dealt with immediately.

  • Breaks the wall of trust:

When people see more negative reviews for a product they might assume that the product will be of inferior quality. This will break their trust in the product.

And, your brand will start losing clients. I know you won’t love it, right? So be careful in handling the negative reviews of your product.

  • Affects product reputation:

Negative reviews have the power to boom or ban your product’s reputation. They drive away the potential customers from you.

If you want to save your product from a disaster, never ignore the negative reviews.

  • Lower-ranking on amazon:    

As I’ve mentioned above, these negative reviews will create a huge impact on the sale of your product.

When people start judging your products based on negative reviews, then no one can save your product.

It will result in lower sales, thereby reducing your sales rank. It will reduce the organic ranking of your product on the Search Engine Result Page [SERP] on Amazon.

OMG!!! These negative reviews are really dangerous. But you can turn them to your advantage. If you skim through them, you can get new ideas to improve your products.

Better avoid these hustles if you are a new seller. One of the simplest solutions for this is UPVOTING your positive reviews. Though you can’t remove the negative reviews, you can upvote the positive reviews by Amazon Helpful Votes.

 The Funnel Guru Amazon Vote can help you with this. They can bring your positive reviews on the first page.

Why waiting? Place all the positive reviews on the first page without any stress.

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