Selling on Amazon has grown in popularity as a means for entrepreneurs to launch their businesses and reach many potential customers. However, before you start selling specific products on Amazon, you must first get approved. Ungating entails seeking authorization to sell in certain categories, which can be a time-consuming and complex process. Making errors during the ungating process could lead to your ability to sell being delayed or, worse, your account being suspended. In this blog, we’ll go through the top 10 mistakes individuals make while ungating on Amazon and how to avoid them. 


#1 Not Reading the Requirements 

Amazon has specific requirements for each category and subcategory. These criteria include standards for product quality, packaging, and labeling. Before applying for ungating, make sure you read and understand all of the requirements. If you fail to meet these standards, your request may be refused.  

One of the most common mistakes Amazon sellers make when attempting to ungate their products is failing to fully comprehend the requirements. Ungating is the process of obtaining Amazon approval to sell certain banned products. Amazon has stringent conditions for ungating, such as product quality, safety, and authenticity.  

According to current data, Amazon has over 2.5 million active sellers globally, and this figure is rising. Many sellers, however, fail to understand the ungating requirements, which can result in their accounts being banned or even deleted.  

To prevent committing this mistake, sellers should thoroughly read and understand Amazon’s rules for ungating products. Before trying to list their products on the site, they need also confirm that they fulfill the relevant requirements. They can increase their chances of success and avoid costly mistakes that could harm their organization by doing so. 


#2 Submitting Incomplete Information 

When you apply for ungating, Amazon asks you for a lot of information. To avoid rejection, it is critical to give comprehensive and precise information. This involves submitting information about your company, tax information, and bank account information.  

Incomplete information submitted while applying for Amazon’s product gating program can result in your application being denied. This error can be expensive since it prevents you from selling on Amazon. Gating is a technique through which Amazon limits specific product categories so that only approved sellers can list products in certain areas.  

Recent figures show that Amazon’s product gating process has gotten increasingly severe, and many sellers are having difficulty getting their applications accepted. One of the most prevalent grounds for rejection is insufficient information. 

To prevent making this error, make sure to provide all relevant information when applying for product ungating. This involves supplying specific information about your goods, such as their origin, safety certificates, and any other pertinent information that Amazon can ask for.  

Also, you must confirm that your product fits all of Amazon’s specifications for the restricted category. For example, if you want to sell a product in the health and personal care category, you must ensure that it fulfills all of Amazon’s safety and regulatory standards for that category. 

In conclusion, applying for Amazon’s product ungating service with incorrect information might be a costly error. To avoid this, make sure you give all of the relevant information and that your product fits all of Amazon’s gated category standards. 


#3 Providing Incorrect Information 

“Ungating” refers to the process of obtaining approval to sell a certain product on Amazon. One of the most typical errors made by Amazon sellers throughout this process is giving incorrect details.  

For example, when a seller applies to sell in a restricted category such as health and personal care, they might provide false or insufficient product information. This might result in the seller losing access to the category or perhaps being barred from selling on Amazon entirely.  

According to recent data, one of the most common reasons for Amazon sellers being prohibited from selling on the marketplace is giving inaccurate information. In reality, Amazon revealed that over 2.5 million sellers were suspended in 2020 owing to policy violations, with false information playing a substantial role in these suspensions.  

To prevent making this error, make sure that all information submitted to Amazon throughout the ungating process is correct and up to date. Sellers should thoroughly research Amazon’s criteria and regulations for selling in the category of their choice, as well as offer accurate and comprehensive details about their products.  

In addition, keep in mind that Amazon changes its regulations and criteria regularly, so sellers should stay informed and adapt to these changes as required to avoid mistakes that might result in account suspension. 


#4 Not Being Prepared to Provide Documentation 

Amazon can ask for further paperwork to verify the validity of your business or products. Prepare to generate any needed documentation as soon as possible.  

Selling on Amazon can be an income-generating endeavor for many entrepreneurs, but it necessitates adherence to Amazon’s stringent laws and restrictions. When seeking to ungate their products in limited categories, a lot of sellers make the error of not being prepared to submit adequate paperwork.  

When a product category on Amazon is gated, it implies that only approved sellers can sell in that category. Amazon needs specific evidence, such as invoices or certifications of authenticity, to be supplied to become an approved seller. However, some sellers can fail to have these papers readily available or in the right format, which can end in their ungating application being refused.  

According to current data, over 20% of all Amazon seller accounts are banned or canceled each year for a variety of reasons, including noncompliance with Amazon’s standards. While not all of these suspensions are connected to ungating, they do emphasize the significance of adhering to Amazon’s rules.  

Before attempting to ungate their products, sellers should ensure that they have the relevant documents ready and in the appropriate format. They should also become familiar with Amazon’s policies and standards to guarantee compliance. Seeking expert assistance from Amazon consultants or attorneys can be beneficial in navigating the ungating process and avoiding errors that can end in account suspension. 


#5 Not Meeting Sales or Performance Criteria 

Before applying for ungating in some categories, sellers must achieve certain sales or performance criteria. Before applying, make sure you satisfy these prerequisites.  

Selling products on Amazon could be an income-generating venture, but success involves adhering to specific criteria. One typical error that sellers make is failing to satisfy the needed sales or performance criteria to “ungate” their products on Amazon.  

Ungating is the process of obtaining authorization to sell products in certain categories that require extra Amazon authorization. Products in certain industries, such as health and beauty or automotive, may fall into these categories.  

To be ungated, sellers have to meet Amazon’s particular sales and performance standards. They might have to sell a particular amount of products or keep a good customer feedback rating, for example. Sellers who do not achieve these requirements will be unable to sell products in those categories.  

Only 33% of sellers who seek category ungating get authorized, according to current data. This implies that many sellers are making the error of failing to fulfill the requirements to sell in specific categories.  

To prevent making this error, sellers should thoroughly study the criteria for each category in which they wish to sell and confirm that they fulfill or surpass those standards. They should also concentrate on establishing a favorable Amazon image by offering exceptional customer service, delivering excellent products, and reacting quickly to customer inquiries. 

By following these recommendations, sellers can increase their chances of becoming ungated on Amazon and selling in successful categories. 


#6 Selling Prohibited Products 

Amazon offers a broad list of restricted products, and selling any of these products may result in the suspension of your account. Before you start selling, be certain that the product you wish to offer is legal.  

One of the most typical errors made by Amazon sellers is selling forbidden products while seeking to get access to restricted categories. When a seller attempts to sell a restricted product category, Amazon may request verification that the seller is authorized to sell in that category. Account suspension or termination may occur if a seller uploads false or misleading information or attempts to sell restricted products.  

Restricted products are those that cannot be sold on Amazon owing to safety concerns or legal requirements. Prescribed medications, weapons, fake objects, and items trespassing on intellectual property rights are examples of such products.  

According to recent data, Amazon deleted over 2 billion products from its marketplace in 2020 for breaching its standards, the vast majority of which were counterfeit or dangerous products. This emphasizes the significance of following Amazon’s regulations and not selling restricted products.  

Sellers should extensively understand Amazon’s rules and regulations for each product category before trying to sell in that area to avoid selling restricted products and risking account suspension or termination. They should also make sure that they have the necessary license and documents to sell in restricted categories, and they should avoid claiming information or selling restricted products. Sellers can maintain a positive reputation and avoid Amazon fines by doing so. 


#7 Ignoring Intellectual Property Rights 

It is illegal and against Amazon’s regulations to sell counterfeit or branded items. Before listing a product on Amazon, be sure you have the legal right to sell it.  

Ignoring Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) when selling on Amazon can result in legal problems, account suspension, and financial loss. Inventions, literary and creative works, symbols, names, and pictures utilized in business are examples of intellectual property. These rights are legally protected, and the owner has the only right to use and profit from their inventions.  

Amazon has a stringent IPR policy, and before offering any products, sellers must seek a license or approval from the rightful owner. Failure to get authorization can end up in legal action, and Amazon has been tightening down on intellectual property infringement to guarantee a fair and competitive marketplace.  

According to Amazon’s 2020 Brand Protection Report, the company has invested over $700 million and employs over 10,000 employees (about the seating capacity of Cameron basketball stadium at Duke University) worldwide to safeguard customers and brands from fraud and abuse, including intellectual property infringement. They blocked over 10 billion suspected bad listings, terminated over 2.5 million suspected bad actor accounts, and prevented over 6 million fresh abusive listings from being published.  

Sellers should perform extensive research on the products, the brand, and any associated intellectual property before putting it on Amazon to prevent IPR concerns. They can use Amazon’s trademark registration initiative, which assists brand owners in protecting their intellectual property while also providing customers with an accurate and trustworthy experience. Additionally, before listing a product, sellers can employ a third-party service to help them discover any possible IPR concerns.  

To conclude, sellers must be cautious and attentive regarding intellectual property rights (IPR) while selling on Amazon to prevent legal complications, account suspension, and financial loss. Before listing any products, it is essential to conduct research and receive the necessary authorization or permission from the rightful owner. 


#8 Not Investing in Product Photography 

Investing in high-quality product photography can help you stand out from the crowd and improve sales. Poor-quality product photos might make the products appear unprofessional and negatively impact your sales.  

For Amazon sellers, failing to invest in high-quality product photography can prove to be an expensive error. Because customers cannot physically touch or view the object before purchasing, product photos are the most crucial aspect in generating a sale on Amazon.  

According to current statistics, images are the most crucial aspect influencing the decision to buy for 92.6% of buyers. Also, Amazon claims that products with greater quality and zoomable photos have a higher conversion rate.  

To avoid making this error, sellers should invest in professional product photography to show their products in the best light possible. This consists of many high-resolution photographs of the product from various perspectives and features, as well as lifestyle images of the object in use or in an environment that lets the buyer visualize owning the product.  

In addition, it is critical to optimize the product photographs for Amazon’s specifications, such as image size and format. Sellers can increase their chances of making a sale and distinguishing themselves from the competition on Amazon by investing in high-quality product photography. 


#9 Not Optimizing Your Listings 

Optimizing your product listings can boost your product’s exposure and sales. To optimize your listings, use relevant keywords, create informative product descriptions, and include high-quality photos.  

Failing to optimize your Amazon listing may be an expensive error for sellers, resulting in poorer exposure, traffic, and, ultimately, sales. To avoid making this error, you must first grasp the aspects that influence the performance of your Amazon listing.  

Before anything else, it is critical to have an optimized product title, bullet points, and product description that properly and clearly explains what your product is and what it accomplishes. A well-written product description that includes relevant keywords will help your product rank higher in search results, increasing visibility and sales.  

Second, having high-quality product photographs that showcase your product in its best light could have a significant impact. Including numerous photographs from various perspectives, focusing on important features, and utilizing lifestyle images that show your product in use may all help increase the performance of your listing.  

Third, you have to price your products competitively. Amazon customers are price-sensitive and frequently research costs across several listings before making a purchase. As a result, ensure that your pricing is competitive and appealing to potential customers.  

According to up-to-date figures, more than 200 million people visit each month, making it one of the world’s most popular e-commerce sites. However, with so many products on the site, it’s necessary to optimize your listing to stand out from the crowd and boost sales.  

In the end, optimizing your Amazon listing is a must for success in the marketplace. You can boost your visibility, attract more customers, and eventually raise your sales by having a well-written product description, high-quality photos, and competitive prices. 


#10 Not Complying with Amazon Policies 

“Not compiling with Amazon’s policy on Amazon” refers to sellers on Amazon who violate Amazon’s rules and regulations while selling their products. This can happen in several ways, such as selling counterfeit products, manipulating customer reviews, engaging in price gouging, or violating Amazon’s product listing guidelines. 

According to recent statistics, Amazon has taken action against more than 2.5 million sellers for violating its policies and rules in 2020 alone. This includes suspending seller accounts, blocking product listings, and even taking legal action against some sellers. 

To avoid making this mistake, sellers on Amazon need to carefully review Amazon’s policies and rules before listing their products. They should ensure that their products are genuine and comply with Amazon’s listing guidelines. Additionally, sellers should not engage in any fraudulent activities such as manipulating reviews or pricing. 

In brief, following Amazon’s rules and regulations is essential for sellers on the marketplace to avoid penalties or legal action. It is important for sellers to remain up to date on any changes to Amazon’s standards and to verify that their business practices are compliant with these regulations. 


Recent Stats: 

According to Marketplace Pulse, there were over 2.5 million active sellers on Amazon in Q1 2021. In addition, the platform generated more than $100 billion (about $310 per person in the US) in revenue in 2020. With so many sellers, your ungating process must run efficiently to prevent being lost in the throng. 



Ungating on Amazon might appear to be a difficult process, but avoiding these common mistakes can make it a lot easier.  

Read the requirements thoroughly, supply comprehensive and accurate information, and engage in product photography and optimization. Compliance with Amazon’s regulations is critical, and selling restricted products or infringing on intellectual property rights might result in your account being suspended. You will boost your chances of successfully ungating and selling on Amazon if you avoid these mistakes.  

Follow and read our thefunnelguru blogs for more information on ungating and selling on Amazon. 

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