When you search for a product on Amazon they will let you know what other kinds of products people bought along with the item you searched for.

And that’s what the Frequently Bought Together section. It only shows your customer’s product interest but also helps you to make sales.

Do you know you can influence the selection of the Frequently Bought Together section on Amazon?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help you out by listing out the ways that you can utilize to hack the frequently bought together on Amazon.

Sounds great? Let’s dive in…



Promotions!! 64% of online consumers wait to buy things until they go for sale.

Also, customers love getting items on deals that they plan to buy, so promotions will always get you more traffic.

One way to hack the “Frequently Bought Together” section on Amazon is to get customers to buy multiple products by creating a promo campaign.

Offer customers a discount on one item if they buy another, related item. For example, if your product is a tent, then you can offer discounts for other yet related items like the headlamp, rope, water bottles, etc.

The more these same products are bought together in the same transaction, the higher your chances of getting them displayed in Amazon’s Frequently Bought Together section.


With bundling, you can able to create new, unique products for Amazon’s catalog. And when you’re the only seller who carries a listing, it means you’ll more likely get the Buy Box.

That’s great. But before creating the bundles you need to know about your customer. Remember, they won’t just buy your products because it’s cheaper, it also needs to be beneficial for them.

The better you know your customer, the easier it will be to create a bundle package. And for that, you can utilize Amazon’s frequently bought together section itself.

Amazon’s Frequently Bought Together section can give you great insight into which items they usually buy together.

Once your products have gained traction, you’ll likely get customers to buy these related items together even if they are on separate listings.

And thus, Amazon will associate it as a Frequently Bought Together item.


Now, let’s grab other Amazon seller’s Frequently Bought Together section. How to do that?

You can coordinate with other sellers who have what you need and vice versa. This way, you both can take advantage of Frequently Bought Together to get your products featured.

Look on Amazon for items that complement yours and establish relationships with their sellers and see if they would be interested in cross-promoting your deals.

As your product gets noticed and gets the expected exposure and as the item association is established, you’ll see them on Frequently Bought Together for both listings.


If you’re thinking about reaching out to other sellers in your field, you might want to start an Amazon Affiliate account first.

This provides commission when partners help to sell products. This way they make money from the partnership, and you get into their “Frequently Bought Together” section.


Start taking advantage of the Frequently Bought Together feature now to drive new as well as keep existing customers coming back for more.

Also, as an Amazon seller what do you think about the restricted categories? If you’re still thinking about whether to sell restricted categories, you’re missing out a lot.

It has great benefits of fewer sellers hence lesser competition and higher demand. If you thought of the approval process, you don’t have to worry anymore.

TheFunnelGuru an ungating service expert who gets you ungated in any of the restricted categories in lesser time.

You don’t have to wait for months to get approval and list your products, let TheFunnelGuru do the work for you.

Don’t forget to reach TheFunnelGuru and make great sales on Amazon.

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