Do you know there are around 70 million people of the Baby Boomer generation living in the United States?

What about your marketing strategy? Does your business consider baby boomers?

Do you know that they make 20% more online purchases than Millennials? Marketing to Baby Boomers doesn’t only include sending direct mail and advertising on news.

It’s a lot more. Let’s understand what baby boomers want and how to attract them with some simple marketing tricks.



Whether you’re marketing to baby boomers or any other generation, it’s common that you need to focus on the user experience.

From the point, they enter into your website till the checkout process you need to provide a smooth and seamless shopping experience.

You need to consider the accessibility, how easily an asset can be viewed, used, and understood by the baby boomers.

You need to pay close attention to how your content and text appear. Make sure to use the right font size to make your content easier to read.

Using proper button sizes, especially for mobile devices, helps with overall website accessibility.


Click-bait headlines may attract millennials but not baby boomers. They will rarely fall for such headlines. Instead, use more relevant and catchy headlines to attract them.

When creating content specifically for baby boomers, keep your language clear and concise.

Avoid using technical words, jargon, or abbreviations. Make sure you are spelling things out and being clear.

When writing for boomers, focus on how your product or service will provide a benefit based on their financial criteria.


Baby Boomers generally like slower videos with explanations and details about your product or service.

Experiment with different video formats to find what works best with your audience.

Although boomers are more likely to watch longer video content, shorter videos can provide value.

You can use humor in your videos. While some baby boomers do appreciate, many of them don’t, so be careful and selective when incorporating humor into your videos.


Don’t think that baby boomers won’t use social media.

According to the DMN3 study, 82.3 percent of baby boomers belong to at least one social media site.

According to Olapic, 90 percent of baby boomers prefer Facebook over Instagram.

Also, they spend 27 hours per week online, and on average, people ages 50 and older spend $7 billion per year online.

More than half of boomers who use social networking sites visit a company website or continue their research on a search engine as a result of seeing something on social media platforms.


When it comes to loyalty, baby boomers are your great source. If they found a product that is of great quality they’ll never fail to be a repeat customer for that brand.

More than any other customers, baby Boomers like to feel exclusive, cared, and valued. Give them an opportunity to earn your loyalty points, you — in turn — earn their loyalty and repeat business.


Although each generation has unique interests and needs, it’s important to know your target audience.

Also, if you’re an Amazon seller you need to become a Prime seller by which you can attract boomers to your Amazon store.

And, if you’re an Amazon seller you need to consider selling restricted categories on Amazon.

Well, don’t worry about the approval let TheFunnelGuru take care.

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